Choose one (1) option: a) Facebook vs Google b) Super Bowl LIII c) LISP Well, if you read the title, you probably chose the correct option. Not Java, not Python or even Swift, this time i'll talk about Lisp. But, why did I choose it? Just because I recently listened a podcast on my free time, and as you may guess, it was about Lisp. So get yourself prepared, because i'll compress 60 minutes of talking into a short, but complete, post. Anyway, without further ado, let me turn to the matter in hand. The story from Lisp goes back to the mid 1950s, when John McCarthy, the creator of Lisp, did not originally intend for Lisp to be an elegant refining of the principles of computation. But, after one or two insights, that’s what Lisp became. Paul Graham wrote that, with Lisp, McCarthy “did for programming something like what Euclid did for geometry.” [1] After some work from McCarthy, some grads from the MIT and Steve Russel, Lisp was born. The way Lisp was constructed,...